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2023 Age Group and Championships Weekend 1 Spectator Tickets

25 January 2023 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Please use the button or link below to buy spectator tickets for the first weekend.

These have been initially limited to one ticket, per session, per swimmer, this will increase day by day to allow all the tickets to be sold. Please make sure you select all the session you need in your transaction, payment is taking using PayPal.

Once your ticket has been generated please ensure you save a copy of it.

Swimmers are matched using Surname (last name) and DOB in the format dd/MM/yyyy, this should match the information used to enter the competition. If you are unable to match your swimmer please check you entry and contact your club to ensure the correct information as been submitted.

If you have any issues please email

Tickets will be available for subsequent weekends from the Wednesday prior to the weekend.

2023 Age Group and Championships Session Times and Warm Up Schedule Weekend 1

24 January 2023 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Saturday 28th January

Entry to Pool: 8:30am
Warm up 1 Female: 9:00am
Warm up 2 Male: 9:30am
Start: 10:00am
Comp Est Finish: 1:30pm
Warm up 1 Female: 2:15pm
Warm up 2 Male: 2:45pm
Comp Start: 3:15pm
Est Finish 5:15pm

Sunday 29th January

Entry to Pool: 8:30am
Warm up 1 Male: 9:00am
Warm up 2 Female: 9:30 am
Start: 10:00am
Comp Est Finish: 12:30am
Warm up 1 Male: 1:15pm
Warm up 2 Female: 1:45pm
Start: 2:15pm
Comp Est Finish: 4:15pm

We also looking for volunteers to help run the competition if are available to help please email

2023 Age Group and Championships Accepted Entries

23 January 2023 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Please find below the accepted entries for the 2023 Age Group and Championships, also below is the draft programme for the first weekend.

We are currently very short on officials if are available to help please get in touch .

Due to limited spectator space tickets will go live on Wednesday morning at 7am initially limited to one ticket per swimmer, this will increase on a day by day to fill the spectator area.

2023 Age Group and Championships Entry and Conditions

3 January 2023 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Please find below the conditions and the Sport Systems entry file to be used by clubs.

All entry files must be emailed to by the closing date of 18th January 2023.

Spectators will be allowed this year, however they will be limited by tickets. This system and the restrictions will be released shortly after the closing date.

2023 Age Group and Championships Consideration Times and Programme

5 October 2022 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

2022 Age Group and Championships Weekend 3 Programmes

3 February 2022 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Programmes as attached below.

2022 Age Group and Championships Weekend 2 Programmes

23 January 2022 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Please find the PDF programmes below.

2022 Age Group and Championships Weekend 1 Programmes

18 January 2022 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

PDF programmes can be download below.

2022 Age Group and Championships Session Times and Warm Up Schedule

17 January 2022 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

Please note that there will be no spectators to ensure safe social distancing of athletes.
All sessions will be live streamed.
Due to fewer athletes and officials we will run as a 6 lane competition.

Saturday 22 January

Entry to Pool: 8:00am
Warm up 1 Female: 9:00am
Warm up 2 Male: 9:30 am
Start: 10:00am
Comp Est Finish: 11:45am
Warm up 1 Female: 12:45pm
Warm up 2 Male: 1:15pm
Comp Start: 1:45pm
Est Finish 4:30pm

Sunday 23 January

Entry to Pool: 8:00am
Warm up 1 Male: 9:00am
Warm up 2 Female: 9:30 am
Start: 10:00am
Comp Est Finish: 11:35am
Warm up 1 Male: 12:45pm
Warm up 2 Female: 1:15pm
Start: 1:45pm
Comp Est Finish: 3:45pm

Saturday 29 January

Entry to Pool: 8:00am
Warm up: 1 Female 9:00am
Warm up: 2 Male 9:30 am
Start: 10:00am
Comp Est Finish: 12:30pm
Warm up 1 Female: 1:30pm
Warm up 2 Male: 2:00pm
Start: 2:30pm
Comp Est Finish: 5:00pm

Sunday 30 January

Entry to Pool: 8:00am
Warm up 1 Male: 9:00am
Warm up 2 Female: 9:30 am
Start: 10:00am
Comp Est Finish: 12:20pm
Warm up 1 Male: 1:30pm
Warm up 2 Female: 2:00pm
Start: 2:30pm
Comp Est Finish: 5:15pm

Saturday 5 February

Entry to Pool: 8:00am
Warm up 1 Female: 9:00am
Warm up 2 Male: 9:30 am
Start: 10:00am
Comp Est Finish: 12:20pm
Warm up 1 Male: 1:30pm
Warm up 2 Female: 2:00pm
Start: 2:30pm
Comp Est Finish: 5:00pm

Sunday 6 February

Entry to pool from : 8:00am
Warm up 1 Male: 9:00am
Warm up 2 Female: 9:30 am
Start: 10:00am
Comp Est Finish: 12:20pm
Warm up 1 Female: 1:30pm
Warm up 2 Male: 2:00pm
Start: 2:30pm
Comp Est Finish: 4:30pm

2022 Age Group and Championships Conditions and Entry

25 December 2021 in Swimming, Swimming Competition Info

The full conditions and entry information for the 2022 Age Group and Championships can be found below, the closing date is 12th January all entries must be received by this date, .